> Household Pest Control: Household Pest Control | Mosquito Control

Household Pest Control | Mosquito Control

Mosquito control has become a very tough challenge this year with all of the spring rains and flooding we have had. Those nasty little blood suckers can really ruin a backyard party, grill out, or evening on the porch. There are several ways to help control the mosquito populations on your own property. Make sure and check you yard for any low lying areas that are holding water. These low spots are prime breeding grounds for mosquitoes. If you have any old planters, tires, or other containers sitting on the porch that might have standing water they will also be mosquito havens.

Controlling mosquitoes can be done with several gadgets that are readily available at your hardware store or garden center. For immediate mosquito control use an industrial propane fogger be for holding your back yard event. Allow time prior to the event for the fog to settle and the mosquitoes to die or vacate the area. Lasting or ongoing mosquito control can be achieved using a mosquito magnet or bug zapper. Other alternatives to controlling mosquitoes include using citronella torches and candles during the evening hours when mosquito are at their worst.

If anyone out there is really adventurous and an animal lover your could go so far as to put a few bat houses in place. Bats can consume huge amounts of mosquitoes in the evening and a few patrolling your yard wont hurt.

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