> Household Pest Control: August 2008

Flea Pest Control For The Home

Fleas are a nasty critter that not only attacks your pets but will bite adults and children if given the chance. Late summer and fall are prime time for flea infestations to invade your home. The dry weather late in the season are big factors in the increased population of fleas in your yard. These fleas are looking for a host desperately to draw blood so they can reproduce. Fleas are draw by body heat and carbon dioxide both of which pets and humans create. Late in the fall when temperatures drop at night fleas become extremely active in their search for a victim.

There are several methods that can be used to control fleas. The first place a person want to focus their household pest control is on their yard, especially if you have pets. Keeping your yard mowed and properly thatched and help control flea populations by destroying their habitat. Fleas can be controlled by using lawn care products like Ortho Insect dusts and other Ortho pest control products. While there are other brands I've always had the best luck with controlling pest using the Ortho products. Once you have your yard fully treated either with a flea spray of flea granular product you can then turn your attention to your pet.

Usually the first indication that you have a flea problem come when you notice the pet scratching an excessive amount, often leaving bare patches of skin. Fleas can also be spotted by the droppings they leave behind in your pets hair. These droppings are actually dried blood from a flea bite. A proper flea bath or dip is a good way to start controlling fleas on your pet. This will kill the adult fleas and some times the eggs they leave behind. Additionally you should treat your dog with flea powder a flea collar. There is a flea treatment for you pets now that you put on their neck behind their ears that is very effective. This flea control product can be bought over the counter or from your vet.

If you house become infested with fleas you may have to call an exterminator or result to nasty bug or flea bombs. Many times these flea bomb will require a second application in about two weeks after any left over eggs have hatched. Make sure when treating your home for fleas to pay attention to your pets sleeping areas. Fortunately, I haven't had a flea problem lately as I keep the yard and pets treated year round to avoid the headache of a flea infestation. If in doubt about a flea control product always contact your local exterminator or household pest control office.