> Household Pest Control: Household Pest Control | Why Do Pests Like My House?

Household Pest Control | Why Do Pests Like My House?

Household pest control can sometimes be one of the most difficult thing's you will ever do. I have heard time and time again horror stories of how someone has had a flea infestation last lasted for a year or more. You can constantly find posts on forum about people continually trying to kill ants, cockroaches, and mice in addition to numerous other household pests. In order to understand how to rid your household of pests you first need to understand the pest itself. Yes if you want to catch a mouse think like a mouse :).

Controlling household pests requires a full understanding of exactly why a particular pest wants to come into your house. Pests are not much different than you and I; they require food, water and shelter. These are the things you need to find out about your particular pest to get them out of your household. I’m not going to get into each particular species of pest but will give you a general idea of some of the most common household pests and their needs

Ants – the majority of ants live in underground nests, which can usually be spotted by a small mound of soil around the opening. They will eat just about any type of scrap food or sweets. They typically come into you house due to extreme weather conditions outside, seeking food or water. If your going to be sucessfull at learning how to Kill Ants your going to need some patience

Mice- most rodents live in small burrows and are most often found coming into the house during spring and fall. Mice will eat everything and anything you have in the kitchen. Keeping mice out of cupboards can be a real chore. Once they find a good food source, like your kitchen pantry, they will then set up house and start breeding. It can take some pretty strong rat poison ingredients to rid a house that is completely infested

Cockroaches- much like ants and mice they are also seeking food and water that is available in most household cupboards, trashcans and kitchen floors.

Are you seeing a theme here? Yes, most household pests are seeking the three essentials to life, food, water and shelter. The easiest way of household pest control is prevention rather than elimination. Keep your house, counter and carpets clean and eliminate the pests’ food source. Make sure you faucets aren’t leaking, this standing water will draw pests seeking a water source, especially when the outside weather conditions are very dry. This is just a general overview on household pest controland I hope it helps to answer: "Why Do Pests Like My House?" I will get into more specifics on each particular type of pest as this site grows.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To prevent mice, eliminate gaps and openings larger than 1/4 inch in a structure. Use steel wool as a temporary plug, and seal cracks in building foundations and around openings for water pipes, vents, and utility cables with metal or concrete. Plastic screening, rubber or vinyl, wood, and other gnawable materials are unsuitable for plugging holes used by mice.

Mouse, rat and rodent control tips